> Rick,
>  Both your questions are answered in 10.2.2b,1. and 2.,
  The time stops 10
> seconds
> after loss of sight.

And then the ten seconds is deducted from the time shown on the watch.
So the time is adjusted to the time the plane was last seen.

>  If the plane hit the upper small leaves and twigs of a tree, but
> continues
> to fly to the ground or landing circle, the time does not stop.
The AMA rule does state that the time stops if the plane comes into
contact with a ground based object, and specifically includes trees.

> the case
> of handing the tranny to the timer, time stops then, not 10 seconds
> later.

The flight is scored a zero if tranny is handed over to anyone, at
anytime, during a flight.

>  I'll throw a little fodder in to this now.  Check rule 10.2.2.e,
> hugely
> violated by almost all of us.  Never even covered in the pilot's
> meeting
> either.  With a few exceptions I'm sure.

The rule of 'no time to be given in the last 10 seconds by the official
timer' has been discussed here before and I'm not sure what the
concensus was.
 I do not like to hear the time in the last few seconds of the flight.
After lining up and starting the final leg I usually concentrate more on
trying to hit the tape than fine tuning to the second the touchdown.
Therefore I tell me timer to quit on the time after I get set up on

>  Food for thought
>  Thermals
>  Jerry Miller, CD
>  SOSS-Medford, OR
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