As promised I received a broken English cell phone call(ah technology) from  Lubos Pazderka today.
In a previous post  I had little information; and now just slightly more.
Lubos Extreme was box stock and optimized for our AMA soaring events. I describe  it as an "Oly II on steriods with legs". >From what I gathered they flew 10 rounds, with Lubos flying 8 of them with the Xtreme, and 2 rounds with a carbon d-tube Eraser that he calls "too heavy". Ah the American influence!
The 2nd place ship flown by Kolb was a Sharon. Sorry no more info than that.Don't know which one.
The 3rd place ship flown by Kahout was the Pike, the same as he won the Worlds with.
They had 55 senior pilots(over18) and 24 junior pilots.(let's see , that's an interesting ratio). In the USA it's 5 juniors for every 100 unlimited!
The big news is THEY FLEW THE NEW RULES! .
 As we proceed to the AMA Nationals, I hope we are not headed down the wrong path, going back to the old rules. Pretty much what Europe wants is the way things will go (their normal duration event is F3J).Now it appears  we must wait and see. Sorry I don't have  more info.

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