I just completed a Chrysalis, and I don't think I've ever built a kit that 
contained better balsa.  I'm pretty sure that it wasn't an accident 
either--somebody made sure that all the balsa was super quality.  My 
understanding is that *good* balsa is now pretty expensive.  The kit & 
instructions were very complete.  Although I have only flown the Chrysalis 
once, it flew extremely well and indicates lift like crazy.  To me, it was 
worth every bit of $85.00.

My only concern about the Chrysalis is that it might be a bit on the 
delicate side.  I tend to beat up on a hand-launch pretty bad.  I did 
manage one minor dork and only did pretty minor damage that was 
field-repaired in a couple of minutes.

The last built-up plane that I constructed (it's been a while) was a sig 
riser 100.  As far as kits go, it's not even in the same league.

I'm glad to have the option of planes like the chrysalis.  The next step up 
for me would be a super-light composite HLG -- and they tend to be WAY 
expensive.  I was on the maple leaf web site, and I think their top of the 
line hlg is running about $450.00.  That's definitely the high end of the 
scale, but I feel like I'm approaching (emphasis on approaching) the 
performance of some of the high end HLGs at a much lower price.

Having said all that, I know that what's expensive to me can be considered 
quite cheap to others, and vice-versa.

At 07:58 AM 07/12/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>I agree, a $50 kit is a bargain, and a throwback to the '70's. :)  The 
>$85-$100 range is a good entry-level price point, I'd guess.  At any rate, 
>I doubt that Joe and Don or anyone else in the this business is making a 
>"large fortune".
>>From: Lincoln Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: [RCSE] Re: RES kit
>>Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 16:16:20 -0400
>>1. What is this $50 kit? I'm VERY skeptical, and if I'm wrong I want
>>2. I think Joe and Don probably don't want to lose money on the
>>Chrysalis. THat's probably why it costs what it does. They charge what
>>they think they can get, and if it wasn't enough, they probably wouldn't
>>make the kit. Where does it say that we have a right to the output of
>>sweatshops, even for high end hobby stuff? Unless someone can report
>>seeing either one of them in a Rolls, I'll bet that they aren't rolling
>>in dough. And if they were I'd bet it wouldn't have anything to do with
>>DJAerotech. It's also obvious that they go thru a lot of trouble in
>>development, or else they tell some pretty elaborate stories (which I
>>doubt). Now, if they had the sales volume of the Spirit (ugh!), then I'd
>>expect the price to be lower. Obviously, someone thinks $85 is worth it.
>>This is not to say that I know much about the Chrysalis, but things cost
>>money, particularly when made in USA.
>>Besides, it subsidizes all those long technical notes they must spend 1
>>hour/day writing.
>>And I think they have good karma for improving the state of HLG back a
>>few years ago.
>>What would be a fair price for an Apogee kit, with even less wood and
>>weighing only 4 oz?
>>AL wrote:
>> > sonmeone else wrote:
>> > >I'd recommend the 2M Chrysalis
>> >
>> > The only problem I have with the 2M Chrysalis is the $85.00 price tag.
>> >
>> > When I can buy a strong, great flying 100" glider kit for less than 
>> $50.00,
>> > why does a plane with half the wood in the box cost almost twice as much.
>> >
>> > I hear that Laser cutting is about the least expensive way to make a 
>> kit. No
>> > tooling required and have someone else cut the parts.
>> >
>> > So please, don't tell me that it's because it's Laser cut.
>> >
>> > If you can tell me real reasons, I might force myself to try one.
>> >
>> > AL
>>Lincoln Ross
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