I feel that it is sad that we start people building in the horse and buggy
days.  Worse yet we suggest expensive materials- balsa wood, monokote, and
CA.  What a strange group CA the most recent extending all the way back
through to balsa.  Surprised someone doesn't suggest bamboo.

By far cheaper and better airfoils if you taught your friends foam templates
spruce and brown paper then extending to spar of carbon and vacuuming and
glass.  The first plane would cost about the same but from then on the cost
would spiral down.  The labor too would soon be much less.

I find it so archaic of us to steer our friends backwards.

Now if you wish to buy either one the expense is in the labor.

Bottom line I feel almost left out when I realize "built up" to most is
balsa.  Too bad you wouldn't move in your building to foam; instead,
everyone gets rich and buys foam etc.

Now if you want a good low tech version in foam of RES.  (I would never add
the spoilers in my section of the woods.)  You can easily cut the fuselage
of the RES Max with a bandsaw  or kitchen knife and cover it with white glue
and brown paper.  Now move on and put some spars in and some brown paper for
skins on the wing and you have outclassed most of the RES planes.  Next step
while you are perfecting the flying look up the bagging equipment and do it
in glass then next time do it with carbon spars and glass.  In this model
the "cost item" will be the spruce spars.  Of course I am assuming you will
have to buy a couple of servos no matter what.

Interesting I give my monthly magazine "Microflight" to one of the kids in
our club and what does he do but show up the next month with an electric

My biased opinion.


"with the best design available for the class. RES is a bit more competitive
but I think the planes should still be built up to keep the costs down. I
think Visalia has the right idea here--their RES contest in May is for
"Builtup Bentwings." I may be a bit "pollyanna" here but I hope RES and
Nostalgia become popular for the pure joy of flying the planes and not the

Mike Clancy
LSF V 92"

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