At 11:59 PM 11/18/2001 -0500, Mark Drela wrote:

>Someone else mentioned using hardened RDS torsion rods.
>This is not a solution, since hardening has little or
>no effect on the stiffness of a metal.  It only increases
>its strength.

Should work just fine.  In this case I think one is designing to a yield 
and not a stiffness anyway.  The diameters mentioned on Walt Dimick's home 
page are designed using proven diameter rods, Harley has shown that, Walt 
is just providing them a little harder.

Your suggestion of using a larger diameter steel tube in theory is fine, 
but you still gotta find room for it.  A simple hardened steel rod with 
adequate stiffness and strength follows the KISS principle to a T.



Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided 
to see beyond the imperfections.

Bill Johns
Pullman, WA

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