
I agree that a good molded plane is a joy to fly.  I think the point is that
the inevitable crash that will occur as you learn combined with the expense
of the plane can stop people in their tracks.

It is kind of like teaching parallel parking with a Ferrari.

I don't think there is a magic number on when someone is ready for a molded
plane.  I think as far as manufacturers and retailers go, they probably hope
that it is early on!

I just think (crunch) of my first (crunch) planes and all the time (crunch)
I put into learning (crunch) how to fly them.

Erickson Architects
John R. Erickson, AIA

> From: "Dieter @ ShredAir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 13:06:50 -0800
> Subject: [RCSE] Wind and molded myths
> I wish to take issue with statements that a pilot with 18-months of
> flying experience cannot handle a good molded sailplane. I can only
> speak for our line of planes, but they fly more precisely and
> consistently and predictably and with overall much better performance
> than the crates usually recommended to beginners. How can consistent
> and better handling be bad or difficult?
> Would you tell a 1-year skier, s/he has to stick yet another season
> with bent-up fence boards taped to the boots instead of a decent set
> of skis and bindings? No? Why then should a pilot with a season and a
> half under his belt continually be frustrated with questionable gear?
> When set up to the instructions we provide, an intermediate pilot
> will enjoy flying our molded planes. Of course we will work with the
> pilot and suggest an appropriate set-up and flying style at first,
> and we always recommend flying with more experienced company.
> In past events, I have used every opportunity to hand my demo planes
> to intermediate pilots to show them how ridiculously easy and fun
> they are to fly. I will continue to do so, so don't be shy to butt in
> when you see me having to much fun out there.
> I'm donning my Nomex suit, and I look forward to the responses.
> Dieter Mahlein
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