>There is another consideration to add to this.  There may be instructions
>with the kit but they are not in English...  Instead, I received 
>help from members of the exchange and finally, after many requests, 
>the manufacturer did provide a translation.
>I have also found that with scale ships recently purchased...  You 
>are on your own to figure things out.  Somehow that just doesn't 
>seem quite right but that's the way it is.

Ed, I do beg to differ. That's NOT the way it is. As an importer, it 
takes no more than a phone call to the manufacturer to get at least a 
CG range. I write  basic manuals for all our planes, and the 
recommendations in there -- while conservative, as Daryl pointed out 
-- will get the plane safely in the air and let every pilot "adjust 
to taste" on their own.

I am happy to not be perpetuating the myth that high-performance 
planes are only for experts who know everything already. Given just a 
little guidance in the beginning, many intermediate pilots will find 
out how easy and enjoyable it is to fly a good plane, and it will 
sharpen their skills quicker than a not so good one.

Happy Holidays!


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