Ok, just 'cause everybody is so bummed out and all, and yes, it has nothing at all to 
do with soaring, but here are a few funny /
amusing articles "hidden" away on my website. They're not linked to anything so if you 
want to find any of them again you'll have to
bookmark them.

A column by Russer Baker in the NYT from '92 about (among other things) "Death by 
Carpeting" (:-)

Since the subject of blimps is "in the air", some blimp pictures from Atlanta on Jan 
3, 2000.
These are from Flight Brothers and cost about $20K each.

"How to Talk like a Lawyer" (:-) (with apologies to Tom Nagel and others)

Some "election" pictures:

"I Wish I Were in Love Again" (1951, Rodgers & Hart, Frank Sinatra)
It's a well-known song that many of you have heard lots and lots of times. However, 
what I think is funny is that most people "hear"
it, but practically none listen carefully enough to catch the quite-funny lyrics like:
   "When love congeals it soon reveals /
    The faint aroma of performing seals"
Yes, these lines are really in there, and yes, the song is on the "Best of Sinatra" 
compilation that some of you received for
Christmas about 10 years ago and haven't listened to since then. Dig it out and listen 
for yourself (:-)

Oh, heck, why not, there's no reason not to take your fun whenever possible, and even 
"404 - Not Found" messages can be fun. See:


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