At 02:38 PM 1/25/2002, pjawien wrote:
>With discus launches, anyone can
>get up high enough to hook a thermal.

Where I fly, and the contests I have flown HLG in, including Nats, there 
are not always thermals, it can actually be flat or dead air.

And there STILL is some serious launch height differential between pilots 
who are in shape and have good technique, compared to those with only one 
of those abilities or neither.  It not like Discus launching provides some 
sort of launch equalizer for contest pilots.

I think what people are touching on is that the launch height obtainable 
with todays best Discus launches are being able to complete current HLG 
tasks without catching a thermal.  Thus to score well it's all about flight 
control, quick turnaround and agility.

One can debate whether this is fun or not, but personally I have lost 
almost all interest in competing in HLG anymore.

Downers Grove, IL
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