Hi friends,

This is your friend "The Zagiist" speaking!

Recent developement is powering a Zagi THL
with a geared 300 motor - not a success as yet,
but I haven't given up on it, yet!

But now to the subject:

I have had a flakey PC for a long while -
but after coming home from a short vacation
to our capital its Window Milennium Edition
system decided to be terminally ill, so no
Windows no more!

The Linux system is up since yesterday
night, and works well, but not fully configured 
yet (pictures and mpegs are still a bit off), so 
I lost all mail addresses I had.

Please send me a line, so I can rebuild
my past mail address index!

Yours, on a sunny September afternoon (20.5 degrees C),

Tord S Eriksson

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