Hi all,
I temporarily attached a 3/16 drill to a convenient alloy tube and slid
the "long drill" down the fus. Until making contact with the offending
bulkhead in the lower quadrant.  Then it was a simple matter to twiddle
the shaft with the thumb and fore finger until the drill went thru.
Then insert the ariel tube and the job is nearly done.
To improve the radio range I added approx 20 inches to the ariel and
took it up the inside of the fin and glued the end to the top fairing.
End of range problems.
John Ensoll.
Builder, Flier,Fly fisherman.
In Retirement.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: gldr guy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2003 12:34 PM
> Subject: [RCSE] Extreme DP question
> Hi everybody. Was wondering what the suggested elevator throws for
> Extreme xtail are?  Also there appears to be a bulkhead in the tail
> preventing me from running the RX antenna all the way down the boom,
> are you guys running it outside the fuse?
> Thanks, Walter
> ---
> GG
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