That is the point of having Nostalgia become an AMA rule book event which is
in mid-process.

Hopefully AMA  will be the "Keeper" soon.

Jack Iafret
"Keeper of the Nostalgia Rules"
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jack Womack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Rules Changes - Missing the point

> My point is, Jack, that you, nor I, nor any one person
> should be the "Keeper." You and I do not agree on some
> key points. Where do I go? The only place I can go in
> this situation is this public forum. Some of your
> friends seem to think I'm picking on you personally. I
> am doing my very best to show my respect for you but
> still get the point across that the system as it is
> will not change. No one person should be the keeper,
> or interpreter or the rules to a national format. I
> have no personal animosity for you, and I hope you
> know that.
> Jack Womack
> --- Jack Iafret <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Well Jack, things have been in the process of change
> > for two years now.
> > Being the self appointed "Keeper" was just to have
> > one while the process to
> > go to an AMA rules book event took place and to try
> > to have one set of rules
> > rather than many "Local" rules.
> >
> > We do and have held Nostalgia events in this area
> > since 1994 (that is where
> > the idea came from) and I took on the job of writing
> > the rules and keeping
> > them up with requested changes from the flyers.
> >
> > If you knew the history you would know that I tried
> > to keep to the AMA's
> > schedule for rules changes and have twice since 1994
> > put the word out on
> > RCSE and the national Mags (who did not care) to ask
> > for changes. We got
> > about 20 requests for changes (a guess at this
> > point) and I sent out
> > e-ballots to anyone who wished one so the rules are
> > no longer mine but as
> > much of the Nostalgia group as was possible to get
> > to at the time. Other
> > than the first issue, ego has nothing to do with it
> > as it was as democratic
> > a process as possible. There were maybe four changes
> > incorporated but
> > basically the rules stayed in tact (hopefully that
> > means they were
> > acceptable).
> >
> > At any rate I could see the time had come to see if
> > the event would expand
> > in the hands of the AMA and sent in a rules proposal
> > about two years ago and
> > as I last read in MA the proposal is well on it's
> > way to AMA officialdom.
> >
> > If it does not pass, then I would gladly turn the
> > process over to you to
> > manage as long as it remains a democratic process
> > (with users doing the
> > voting) with all those involved getting a chance to
> > vote on the rules
> > changes. I still have a list of participants (mostly
> > from the NATs and
> > anyone on RCSE who voted for you to use, or anyone
> > else who would like to
> > take it on).
> >
> > Jack Iafret
> > "Keeper of the Nostalgia Rules"
> > ----- Original Message ----- 
> > From: "Jack Womack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2003 11:24 PM
> > Subject: [RCSE] Rules Changes
> >
> >
> > > Tony Estep wrote: The so-called Nostalgia event
> > has
> > > received much heat, because its criteria seem
> > > artificial and contrived...
> > >
> > > That's not why I object to the way the class is
> > > handled. I object to the lack of consistency, and
> > > the... yes you can... and no you can't... coming
> > from
> > > one guy. There needs to be a committee of
> > > knowledgeable people that come up with what
> > > specifically can be changed, and what specifically
> > > can't. We will miss this class, or will we? As I
> > see
> > > it, there isn't enough interest in the status quo
> > to
> > > go anywhere...and I'm the only one running
> > contests
> > > outside the NATS that has a NOS class, that I know
> > of.
> > > I may well drop it, myself.
> > >
> > > I do not know Jack Iafret. I do not condone anyone
> > > running him down. He is, after all, the guy that
> > came
> > > up with the idea for the class. But, I do have to
> > ask
> > > by whose authority he is the "keeper of the
> > class?" If
> > > he lets his ego get in the way, or makes a
> > decision
> > > that just doesn't make good sense, where do we go
> > to
> > > lodge a protest?
> > >
> > > It's truly sad, in my opinion that such a great
> > idea
> > > is being passed over by so many that feel the same
> > way
> > > I do. I know there are many because every time I
> > post
> > > one of these, I get emails privately from people
> > that
> > > say they agree, but don't want to post publicly.
> > >
> > > Jack Womack
> > >
> > >
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