Woke up to huge rain showers at the Anderson Motel (Chuck Anderson's spare bedroom:-) after getting to learn more about Chuck and his battle to comeback from a full left sice paralyzing stroke...totally amazing how determined he was to get back to soaring!
Course what would you expect from a fighter jet pilot?
Undaunted and well rested he and I headed out to the field determined to get some rounds in...and thank Herb and Kendal for being just as determined.
The competiton had thinned some but the weather broke and quickly got Cincy wind conditons and that ebb and and sway lift rolling.
I was happy!  But stupid cuz I didn't think to put some ballast in my Pike and that almost got me a lonnnngggg walk into the woods...but it really cleans up with reflex and got her home for a few landing points...but not much time.

Kendal seemed a machine with his V tial Artemis... Dave and his Extreme, Tom Long definitely not conceeding anything with his Peregrine and of course the southern thermal technician Rob Glover (far more experienced than the rest of us) remembered to ballast his
Pike Superior.
It wasn't over til it was over as Rich Burnowksi reminded me not long ago.  I was trailing pretty well and on the second to last round, I dug out my soaring hat, hunkered down with some ballast and put up a max with 96 and about a 7 with a 94.
To me though it seemed that the others were all doing better....and talk about better, yesterday Fly'n  Brian Smith won RES with his AVA and today did it again, and his RES score best my unlimited by 6 points yesterday and a bank full today!  In case you have been thinking about getting serious about RES, the AVA is worth the money, and if you have one, you need to start working with ballast, cuz it really can take adantage of it in the wind.
A good time had by all and we left smiling and a little sunburned.
Wish you all could have been there!
Longest distance traveled goes to Don Cleveland (Houston), Dave in Carmel In, and Cliff from Nitro WV....I was a mere 4 hours away :-)
Wish you call could have been there!

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