I posted this on Aug 20th, 2004 and am re-posting with revisions.
F3B team selections are scheduled for October 7th, (registration, check winches and practice), October 8th, 9th & 10th are for actual selection flying.
Site is AMA in Muncie, IN.
CD is Phil Renaud. If you are going to compete, please send your frequency requirement with alternative to Phil so he can assemble the flight matricies. >[EMAIL PROTECTED]<
Your team selection entry forms should be postmarked by midnight tonight. If not call Lisa Johnson at AMA (765-287-1256, ext 231 and beg  forgiveness to get things resolved. Lisa will help if you ask.
In the meantime I am pulling together a support group of workers for the 8th, 9th, & 10th. I have a list of 9 workers, some of which can be there all 3 days, some for 2 days and a couple that can be there for only 1 day.
We need a minimum of 12 dedicated workers on the field each and every day. You will be on the field all day with minimal relief so please bring plenty of drinks and eats and the payback is knowing you had a personal hand in helping to select the very best team possible for next years F3B worlds being held in Finand.
I am trying to have the workers team finalized by Oct, 3rd, so if you can come to Muncie for 1, 2 or all 3 days to support this years team select, please let me know by either e-mail or phone. 248-576-1374 week days or 586-781-2865, evenings & weekends or cell 248-515-2153.
Needless to say, your valuble time will be appreciated by every one involved. This will be a great experience and a lot of fun and you get to experience the best F3B in this country right up front and in your face.
Give it a try and I guarantee you won't be disappointed.
Regards, Dave Corven. 
Regards to all, Dave Corven.

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