That’s nothing Gordy,  I am currently working on my SLF 34.  Eat you heart out, Bitch.  No contest is necessary and I’ll quietly achieve it this coming year, I am sure.  No big deal, no boasting to the whole world, no looking like a village idiot to the majority of the soaring community at large, (I do admit, undoubtedly, you unanimously have the Nerd faction’s support)  no hoopla each and every day telling the world about my soaring experiences, no Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, no looking in the mirror in the morning and seeing a totally different person than everyone else see me as, no self anointing  myself as “Apostle to the RC Soaring world”, no writing daily reports on RCSE that most folks just delete the minutes they see my name (except for once in awhile just to see what your up to).  Isn’t it great?


Cliff Lindgren



PS  Oh, by the way, I have a few Blues to send you for repair, if you have the time.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 5:36 AM
Subject: [RCSE] "I'm LSF 3 and you're not!....sort of, almost:-)"


Hi guys,


It is a matter of maybe days and I will have completed my LSF  level three requirements!


Eat your hearts out!

Even if we can't get a contest going this weekend in Dallas, my LSF 3 is that contest attendance away! :-)


Let's here where all you LSF3 pretenders are sitting in your quest for true soaring greatness (or at least how close is your form to being sent in for confirmation :-)


I'm considering holding on to the completed form for the same amount of time I did the LSF1..which I finished in 79 but only sent in this past year.


Had hoped to get both 2 and 3 done in the same year but ran out of contests...

So where are you on level 3?


Louisville today, TX next weekend...and everything in between for the next two weeks.

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