WOW, what a day of soaring in Dallas, Tx. The first day in months on the
weekend where I can remember the winds being below 20 MPH. Plus, we had
awesome thermal activity.

Everybody that came out found good air. Dewayne had his new Icon specked and
his dad Walter did the same to his Eraser. Arnold had his new, to him,
modlie almost out of sight at more than one time. Gary was still playing
with the hamster, but it too was specking. Bobby, one of the club hard
workers, flew his Buteo until he wanted to come down. Dan still waiting for
his new radio flew his newly acquired Artemis.

Me, I flew my Eraser a few times and had fun playing connect the dots, until
I ran out of battery. It was one of those days that attracted me to this
hobby!! What great fun!!!
Sounds like a perfect day for LSF Task completions, hope you all got plenty recorded and witnessed!  Did anyone qualify for a level move up today?

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