I recently flew the OVSS Cincinatti and managed to take some wood... however, another excellent pilot had a freak popoff (probably it was strategic instead of an accident, since the pilot is a well know shifty character, which means he whips my butt pretty much since I started flying contests :-).
The decision was too bad so sad....and I made it known that I believe that the rule is abusive, rude, inconsiderate and disrepectful and pretty much think its a chicken shit rule...however all that wishy washy indecisionate opinionation by me aside, it is up to the CD or the rules.
And it makes sense that rules cannot be overruled by common sense or consideration for everyone's fun as a consideration...
If the rules get changed to consider 'fun' chaos would reign and the general pilot group would be delayed from getting home or another round being flown.
Okay so I am pretty much against the no pop off rule, but I'm not CDing and I do appreciate all the work and excellent effort by the guys CDing events.  My travels make it impossible for me to commit to taking on the responsibility so what I think is not a criticism of the coordinators and CDs, rather it is a belief that it is wrong to kill a pilots contest because of a popoff or broken line.

The unnamed, mysterious 'them' (you know those guys who would abuse the lack of penalty to use either as a strategic advantage...but I have never met in all my travels soaring) who are spoken of when the no popoff or line break rule is justified,,,never win anyway.  But to protect us poor honest guys against the deadly threat of losing a shot at the wood because some sneaky smart guy manipulates a delayed launch to see where the air was found by us honest guys....okay pretty stupid stuff :-)
We all take time from family and responsibilities, spend cash on food, gas, motels and chance the wrath of wives, only to get burned by fate and the no pop off or line break rule....well its not fun for anyone when it happens to anyone of us.
I have yet to be at a contest with a no pop off, and a guy popped off, where if the entire group were polled, all would say no relaunch.
But rule or no rule, the OVSS has likely the most exciting and challenging format of all I have been involved in. Seeded Man on Man, both sucks and is great.  Its format causes every single pilot, flying or in the pits to be interested and involved as the rounds develop.  It is pro active to the ultimate degree and its very exciting.  Its the most fair format and the most unfair....so like having one foot in a fire and the other in ice, mostly things are great in the middle of it all :-)....except for the no pop off/line break rule....that's not good....because when it happens to someone of our friends, it sucks the fun out of the day and voids the result as being a 'man on man' result.
I won't ever agree that its justified or good for the hobby....but I'll continue to enjoy the events and respect the people doing the work and making the decisions.
New Columbia, PA tonite

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