Yep, did my homework on this some time ago. It's actually for any airspace regardless of where it is in relation to an airfield. The AMA has added the clause about being within so many miles of an airport. The AMA and the FAA are working very closely together to set airspace guidelines as well as making an FAA determination as to exactly what can be called a "model aircraft". Working in the UAV business we did a lot of research into this matter and have been following it very closely. Let's all hope they come up with a reasonable solution to the questions at hand. Best scenario, IMHO, would be that they leave it as it is but I don't know if they'll be able to do that or not.

Happy flying,


The relevant section reads --

   c. Do not fly model aircraft higher than 400 feet above the
   surface. When flying aircraft within 3 miles of an airport, notify the
   airport operator, or when an air traffic facility is located at the
   airport, notify the control tower, or flight service station.

But yes, this is advisory, not law.

   1. PURPOSE. This advisory circular outlines, and encourages voluntary
   compliance with, safety standards for model aircraft operators.

It's also 24 years old.  Not that this stuff has changed much (though
the advistory does seem to assume that all model airplanes make lots
of noise) but it shows how the FAA has pretty much left us alone.
(As it should be.)

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