In a message dated 8/3/2005 8:36:56 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
What keeps me coming back to any contest is. "Competition is the glue that binds us together, and it is a life time glue.  For some strange reason it just works this way,"

A little POed
Dr. Dan,
     I agree with you and Jim on your perspective on the NATS.  I just finished 12 days at Muncie participating in 13 competitive events that required 9 different models.  No where in the world can you get so much action in such a well organized environment.  I have attended  the NATS for 10 years (9 in Muncie) and have enjoy it more each year.  The LSF and NEAC (electric) SIGS do a great job organizing and running the events.  For some events it is a fun fly for me as I am not competitive with Tom, Daryl, Josh, Mike (s) and many others.  It is the small things like wearing the "I beat Gordy" badge after the F3J event that make it fun.  The conversations with new and old friends and the endless stories add to the attraction and will bring me back next year.
    Fun fly?  I don't understand the concept.
Don Richmond
San Diego, CA (Albuquerque, NM today)

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