I haven't post in a long time, since switching to OS X anyway, so here is a test of aol on OS X. How's it look, any HTML junk on the end?

In a message dated 8/8/05 12:17:15 PM, Al Nephew writes:

On my last post regarding this topic I expressed ignorance about the Mac.  So
just now I tested a Mac post using AOL 5.0. It sent only text with no 
modifications needed. However, my older Mac G4 uses OS 9.2, so I can't run the 
latest AOL on it--the newer AOL is so much better that I do email on a PC until 
the day when I give in and go to OS X.  Probably the same (i.e., no  problem)
with OS X, but someone running that might like to report on it.

When I got back from a trip last week and was checking old RCSE digests,  I
noted that there was a discussion a week or two ago regarding this, with  the
apparently widely held belief expressed that AOL can't suppress HTML, thus 
printing text followed by gibberish which takes several screens of clicking 
until the reader gets past it. In fact, if HTML can be eliminated from an  AOL
post by right clicking and selecting "text" with a PC, it should be  possible
with any email program.

Al Nephew
Duluth, MN

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