On Fri, 16 Sep 2005, Bill Swingle wrote:
> The skinny years ago was that the Anabat was an awful design not worth
> trying to improve The Whirlwind and Visionary were similar foamie type
> planes from that time period that actually worked well.

Hey now,
        Personaly I liked the Anabat. Sure it wasn't fast and didn't
penatrate well either, but it was very aerobatic at slow speeds. I had a
blast playing with them, high roll rate quick loops and surprisingly hard
to break too. They just flew very differently from most slopers.
The fact that Jef was a friend has nothing to do with my opinion;-)

                      Erica Frank  &  Rob CarterII
                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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                                        -Malaclypse the younger-

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