A while ago I asked about how to set up an electric plane using the Stylus. I'd like to thank all who responded and I'll share what I've learned and how I have it set up.

1. The 2A2FER wing type should be used. The other wing types are much more difficult to set up.
2.  I've put the motor on the Gear channel (channel 8).
3. I made the launch switch the "arming switch" for the motor. Once it's armed, the right slider is my throttle. Several people suggested that I make the motor a simple on/off switch, but the thought of pouring all of that power at once scares me. So I'll use a throttle until I get comfortable with it. I also have a tad of down elevator mixed with the motor switch. 4. In order to get the slider to work as a throttle, I used the C-Mix and made the master and slave channel Gear. Then I was able to activate the trim and set the right slider as the trim control. 5. Since I already had an Ellipse 4 setup for the Stylus, it was pretty easy to electrify it. The only difference is the launch setup.

I'm looking forward to possibly flying it this weekend. Thanks again for your help.

Las Vegas, NV

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