Its a good question John.
Man on Man is supposed to be an attempt at equalizing launch and air.
Pic's and the like  add a factor in to the equation.
Whether some pilots would not come because some used a vario , well I think that depends if the event were 'serious'.  You know like the Nats where the official record is kept or say if an event had cash prizes for finishers.
Then in order to compete 'man on man' every contestant would be oblige to use electronic aides, versus flying with one eye closed.
It could be extrapolated that all pilots would then be sort of forced to start using the device during all contests in order to improve their ability to utilize the information provided.
That would then likely force modelers to spend an extra $400 or whatever in order to 'feel' competitive.
Those who have them and won with their use could be said to have won with an asterisk denoting 'used electronic aide'.
I am totally against making rules, and against banning anything that keeps our hobby fun.

The rest of the world of soaring can't use them, or skegs.  I feel its a freedom thing, as in only in America..and I like that.  We get to chose whether we want to wear a helmet, skeg or Picolario.  However when we decide to play in the world playground, we start practicing without skegs and Pics. :-)
Back to the context of say a Masters of Soaring event.....someone who is experienced using a Vario and won against a Euro contestant (who is not practiced) would likely be viewed as having a 'tainted' win.  "it was legal and all could have used one..."  But ...
Lots to think about :-)
I'm in with DP on this one. We say, use em and beat us, but just makes it all that much sweeter for us when we overcome, and that much less sweet for those who won with one.
Thinking today :)

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