Hi Adam,

On Friday, 26.04.2019 at 06:00, Adam Steen wrote:
> Good Afternoon all
> Is there any appetite for a cross platform support in solo5 SPT?

It's certainly something that's possible, but the state of the spt code in
general is a bit too raw to consider abstracting it to target different
host kernels just yet.

Also, I don't think there is as much of a pressing need for spt as on Linux
-- I'd expect most people running OpenBSD on amd64 to be doing so on bare
metal, i.e. with access to the CPU virtualization hardware, where you can
just run hvt.

> The system call restriction would be very easy, and I expect the other code 
> to compile with very little changes.

What would you use for implementing the syscall restrictions? The
granularity of pledge(2) is different to that of seccomp/BPF...


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