debiandos:~# curl -i
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 19:20:40 GMT
Server: Jetty/5.1.11RC0 (Linux/2.6.18-4-686 i386 java/1.5.0_11
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 272

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<lst name="responseHeader"><int name="status">0</int><int
name="QTime">121</int><lst name="params"><str
name="response" numFound="0" start="0"/>

Next, how is Jetty being started? 
cd /home/jason/code/apache-solr-1.1.0-incubating/enrsolr;
java -Xmx1500m -jar start.jar

Where is its jetty.xml  

configuration file? What does that file specify for RequestLog?

<!-- Uncomment for request logging.
  <Set name="RequestLog">
    <New class="org.mortbay.http.NCSARequestLog">
      <Arg><SystemProperty name="jetty.home"
      <Set name="retainDays">90</Set>
      <Set name="append">true</Set>
      <Set name="extended">false</Set>
      <Set name="LogTimeZone">GMT</Set>

My point is that I can't predict how it's started on your machine.  
You need to find out yourself.
On Linux:
- "ps -ef | grep java"

root     10175 10174 11 15:17 pts/1    00:00:56 java -Xmx1500m -jar

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