Dear all, I am quite new and not work on solr for heavy request.
I have following server configuration: 16GB RAM 16 CPU I need to index update in every minutes and at least more than 5000 docs per day. Size of the data per day will be around 50 MB. I am expecting 10 to 30 concurrent hit on server which is 2 million hits per day and around 30 to 40 concurrent user at peak our. Right now I had configure core and using static method to call solr server in solrj (SolrServer server = new HttpSolrServer();). I am worried that at peak our static instance of the server in solrj will not able to perform the response and it will become slow. Is there any way to open more then one connection of server instance in the SolrJ like connection pool which we are using in Database related connection pooling (Apache DBCP or Hibernate). Please help me to configure the server as my heavy requirements. thanks for your help. regards jonty