On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 9:05 PM, Chris Hostetter
<hossman_luc...@fucit.org> wrote:
> : I tried to use index from 1.4 (load was the same as on index from 3.5)
> : but there was problem with synchronization with master (invalid
> : javabin format)
> : Then I built new index on 3.5 with luceneMatchVersion LUCENE_35
> why would you need to re-replicate from the master?
> You already have a copy of the Solr 1.4 index on the slave machine where
> you are doing testing correct? Just (make sure Solr 1.4 isn't running
> and) point Solr 3.5 at that solr home directory for the configs and data
> and time that.  (Just because Solr 3.5 can't replicate from Solr 1.4
> over HTTP doesn't mean it can't open indexes built by Solr 1.4)

I made It before sending earlier e-mail. Efect was the same.

> It's important to understand if the discrepencies you are seeing have to
> do with *building* the index under Solr 3.5, or *searching* in Solr 3.5.
> : reader : 
> SolrIndexReader{this=8cca36c,r=ReadOnlyDirectoryReader@8cca36c,refCnt=1,segments=4}
> : readerDir : 
> org.apache.lucene.store.NIOFSDirectory@/data/solr_data/itemsfull/index
> :
> : solr 3.5
> : reader : 
> SolrIndexReader{this=3d01e178,r=ReadOnlyDirectoryReader@3d01e178,refCnt=1,segments=14}
> : readerDir : 
> org.apache.lucene.store.MMapDirectory@/data/solr_data_350/itemsfull/index
> : lockFactory=org.apache.lucene.store.NativeFSLockFactory@294ce5eb
> As mentioned, the difference in the number of segments may be contributing
> to the perf differences you are seeing, so optimizing both indexes (or
> doing a partial optimize of your 3.5 index down to 4 segments) for
> comparison would probably be worthwhile.  (and if that is the entirety of
> hte problem, then explicitly configuring a MergePolicy may help you in the
> long run)
> but independent of that I would like to suggest that you first try
> explicitly configuring Solr 3.5 to use NIOFSDirectory so it's consistent
> with what Solr 1.4 was doing (I'm told MMapDirectory should be faster, but
> maybe there's something about your setup that makes that not true) So it
> would be helpful to also try adding this to your 3.5 solrconfig.xml and
> testing ...
> <directoryFactory name="DirectoryFactory" class="solr.NIOFSDirectoryFactory"/>
> : I made some test with quiet heavy query (with frange). In both cases
> : (1.4 and 3.5) I used the same newSearcher queries and started solr
> : without any load.
> : Results of debug timing
> Ok, well ... honestly: giving us *one* example of the timing data for
> *one* query (w/o even telling us what the exact query was) ins't really
> anything we can use to help you ... the crux of the question was: "was the
> slow performance you are seeing only under heavy load or was it also slow
> when you did manual testing?"
> : When I send fewer than 60 rps I see that in comparsion to 1.4 median
> : response time is worse, avarage is worse but maximum time is better.
> : It doesn't change propotion of cpu usage (3.5 uses much more cpu).
> How much "fewer then 60 rps" ? ... I'm trying to understand if the
> problems you are seeing are solely happening under "heavy" concurrent
> load, or if you are seeing Solr 3.5 consistently respond much slower then
> Solr 1.4 even with a single client?
> Also: I may still be missunderstanding how you are generating load, and
> wether you are throttling the clients, but seeing higher CPU utilization
> in Solr 3.5 isn't neccessarily an indication of something going wrong --
> in some cases higher CPU% (particularly under heavy concurrent load on a
> multi-core machine) could just mean that Solr is now capable of utilizing
> more CPU to process parallel request, where as previous versions might have
> been hitting other bottle necks. -- but that doesn't explain the slower
> response times. that's what concerns me the most.

I don't think that 1200% CPU usage with the same traffic is better
then 200%. I think you are wrong :) Using solr 1.4 I can reach 300rps
and then reach 1200% on cpu and only 60rps in solr 3.5

> FWIW: I'm still wondering what the stats from your caches wound up looking
> like on both Solr 1.4 and Solr 3.5...
>>> 7) What do the cache stats look like on your Solr 3.5 instance after
>>> you've done some of this timing testing?  the output of...
>>> http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/mbeans?cat=CACHE&stats=true&wt=json&indent=true
>>> ...would be helpful. NOTE: you may need to add this to your
>>> solrconfig.xml
>>> for that URL to work...
>>>  <requestHandler name="/admin/" class="solr.admin.AdminHandlers" />'
> ...but i don't think /admin/mbeans exists in Solr 1.4, so you may just
> have to get the details from stats.jsp.

I forgot to write it earlier. QueryCache hit rate was about 0.03 (in
solr 1.4 and 3.5). Filter cache hitrate was abaout 0.35 in both cases.
Document hit rate was about 0.55 in both cases.

Trace from thread wasn't helpful to diagnose problem? As I mentioned
before - almost all threads were in the same line of code in

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