On 1/6/2013 9:14 AM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
I have now reduced my Eden size from about 4GB to under 256MB (max heap
is still 8GB), but the long pauses are still happening on my Solr 3.5.0
servers, and they are still ParNew collections.

Clarification of my question and my goals:

What I *want* is for all GC pauses to be half a second or less. What I can settle for is all GC pauses to be two seconds or less. My load balancer's health check interval and timeout are both five seconds. Is there any viable GC config that can achieve this with an 8GB heap? I need the heap to be that big in order for full-imports to succeed. Any smaller and a full-import takes forever due to constant GC.

I'm now doing some experimentation with not specifying any GC options at all, which results in jconsole showing PS MarkSweep and PS Scavenge for the GC methods. PS Scavenge collections seem to meet my half second requirement, but the (very infrequent) PS MarkSweep collections tend to be slightly above 3 seconds. It's Sunday, and traffic is low, so I must try putting some load on it to verify.

From what I remember back when I first started with Solr, the default GC options lead to elevated total GC times during full-import index creation, but I can arrange for the load balancer to ignore servers that are doing a full-import. If the default options work well for normal operation, and a full-import isn't very slow, that might be worth looking into.


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