Check the mailing list archives.

I believe the outcome of the discussion was this issue was fixed in
git and will mostly likely ship corrected in Spacewalk 0.5.

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 5:24 PM, Hooker, Jonathan
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am in the process of building out a large environment of Fedora 10
> desktops and am using spacewalk on a centos 5 server to manage them. I was
> wanting to install osad on the machines but keep running into the error that
> the package requirement python-optik is not found on my system. I have done
> searches in my repo for this package and also on the web and the closest
> thing I can find is a noarch package made two years ago for Fedora 6 or 7. I
> noticed on the email lists that the python-optik was being removed as a
> requirement to a lot of other packages and was curious if this was the case
> for this package. Otherwise, where can I find this package?
> Jonathan Hooker
> Desktop Support - Engineering
> Garmin International
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