On Fri, 2009-12-18 at 04:20 -0600, James Hogarth wrote:
> For reference to the source material (and proper credit) I used these
> as guides to getting this working:
> http://www.linuxdynasty.org/how-to-automate-the-install-of-vmware-tools-after-any-kernel-update.html
> http://drcs.ca/blog/?p=181
> 2009/12/18 James Hogarth <james.hoga...@gmail.com>
>         After a little head scratching and hiccups I managed to get my
>         vmware guests kickstarting and including the vmware tools
>         install and config as part of the kickstart process... using
>         the vmxnet driver. 
>         Testing in our environments has shown the vmxnet driver to be
>         superior and we wanted to use it on our guests but of course
>         since it isn't part of the kernel source the guests had to be
>         built with e1000 emulated NICs and then changed over
>         afterwards....
>         Seeing that there are probably others in the same situation I
>         thought that popping the steps I took onto the mailing list
>         would be good for others - and when I have to do it in 6
>         months for Centos 5.5 again (or 6) I can search this list for
>         the instructions ;)
>         This should work in any rpm based kickstartable distrobution
>         but was tested on Centos 5.4 x86_64.
>         First you will need a reference system with VMwareTools
>         already installed onto in order to get the kernel module and
>         check the PCI IDs your modules are.
>         From the PXE or kickstart ISO you are using unpack your initrd
>         to a work directory....
>         mkdir /tmp/work
>         cd /tmp/work
>         cp /mnt/dvd/images/pxeboot/initrd.img .
>         mkdir initrd
>         cd initrd
>         zcat ../initrd.img | cpio -id
>         On the reference PC check the PCI ID for your modules....
>         lspci | grep -i -E 'vmware.*ethernet|ethernet.*vmware'
>         It will look something like:
>         00:11.0 Ethernet controller: VMware VMXNET Ethernet Controller (rev 
> 10)
>         Next get the full vendor/product ID for the driver where the
>         PCI ID is 00:11.0 in the example above.
>         lspci -n | grep -i  '15ad'
>         Look for the line matching the PCI ID found above and make a
>         note of the product ID...
>         The example from my case is:
>         lspci -n00:11.0 0200: 15ad:0720 (rev 10) | grep -i  '15ad'
>         Where the vendor ID can be seen as 15ad and the product ID to
>         make a note of is above is 0720
>         Next we need to expand the modules cpio archive to add our
>         vmware module to it.
>         mkdir /tmp/work/modules
>         cd /tmp/work/modules
>         zcat ../initrd/modules/modules.cgz  | cpio -id
>         cd /tmp/work/modules/2.6.*/x86_64
>         cp /lib/modules/`uname -r`/misc/vmxnet*.ko .
>         chmod 744 vmxnet*
>         Depending on the version of VMwareToosl you have you may have
>         separate vmxnet.o and vmxnet.ko modules in /lib/modules/`uname
>         -r`/misc - and you may also jave vmxnet and vmxnet3
>         modules.... For the 2.6 kernel you will need the vmxnet*.ko
>         modules. If your module is symlinked to the .o version (as in
>         my case) make sure you grab the actual file ;)
>         Next pack back up the modules cpio archive....
>         cd /tmp/work/modules
>         find . | cpio -o -H crc | gzip -9 > 
> /tmp/work/initrd/modules/modules.cgz
>         Note that the type is crc here....
>         Next we need to tell our kernel/initrd about our new
>         modules....
>         cd /tmp/work/initrd/modules
>         vi pci.ids
>         Look for the section with the vmware vendor ID of 15ad and add
>         your ethernet modules to this... for reference here is my part
>         of that file after the addition:
>         15ad  VMware
>                 0405  SVGA II Adapter
>                 0710  SVGA Adapter
>                 0720  VMware VMXNET Ethernet Controller (rev 10)
>         Note that you might need the vmxnet3 driver added too
>         depending on your version of VMwareTools....
>         Next append to the initrd modules-info alias info....
>         vmxnet
>                 eth
>                 "VMware VMXNET Ethernet Controller (rev 10)"
>         Remember to add a vmxnet3 section if required... On the
>         reference system get the entries required for the
>         modules.alias file....
>         grep vmxnet /lib/modules/2.6.18-164.6.1.el5/modules.alias 
>         alias pci:v000015ADd00000720sv*sd*bc*sc*i* vmxnet
>         alias pci:v00001022d00002000sv*sd*bc*sc*i* vmxnet
>         Append these to the modules.alias file
>         in /tmp/work/initrd/modules
>         Next pack all this back up....
>         cd /tmp/work/initrd
>         find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -9 > /tmp/work/initrd.img.vmxnet
>         Copy this initrd.img file to your PXE tree or ISO or however
>         you want to use this (renaming it if need be)...
>         That's the hard work done and that will allow a kickstart of
>         the system using the vmxnet network driver instead of the
>         e1000 driver. But that is only good for the kickstart itself
>         this next final bit is to allow the system to still have a
>         network interface after the kickstart is over.... 
>         On the spacewalk server create a post script for your
>         kickstart containing something like the following:
>         /usr/bin/yum install -y --nogpgcheck VMwareTools
>         sed -i -e '/^\#.*$/d' -e '/^HWADDR=.*$/d' 
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
>         echo "rkernel=`uname -r`
>         if [ -e /etc/vmware-tools/not_configured ]; then
>             echo "vmware-tools not configured for running kernel $rkernel"
>             echo "running vmware-config-tools.pl"
>             /usr/bin/vmware-config-tools.pl -d
>             echo "vmware-tools now compiled for running kernel $rkernel"
>             echo "restarting system"
>             reboot
>         fi" >> /etc/rc.local
>         This assumes that the VMwareToosl rpm is somewhere in your
>         channels. It removes any comments from the ifcfg-eth0 file and
>         removes the HWADDR restriction so that the system doesn't
>         rename it to ifcfg-eth0.bak or somesuch on changes to network
>         interface - this was valid for Centos 5.4 YMMV.... The
>         rc.local addition is important as vmware-tools-config.pl
>         detects module to install based on the running kernel - this
>         is of course different in the kickstart. This will also allow
>         a kernel upgrade and if need be the system will auto-configure
>         on next boot. The reboot is there to ensure that any network
>         services etc or any dependencies on network/vmware running
>         during start up are met.
>         Hope this is helpful to someone apart from me next distro
>         update ;)
>         James

Automating the install/update of vmware-tools after a kernel install
sounds like something that's begging for a "trigger" RPM.  I need to
migrate my ESX VMs to use vmxnet, so I'll go through this process and
post my results.

Thanks for the info.

Andy Speagle

"THE Student" - UCATS
Wichita State University

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