On 01/27/2010 11:53 AM, Bushby, Bruce (London)(c) wrote:
Could this be an issue with the "repomd.xml" file? I used wget to pull
down the file and I also downloaded it via my browser.....the files are
identical....repomd.xml is also identical if I let yum download it.

What does this give you:
$ grep -A5 -B1 primary.sqlite repomd.xml

I get:
  <data type="primary_db">
    <location href="repodata/primary.sqlite.bz2"/>
<checksum type="sha">c1765cd9415ead3efa00725bf5e167346787b172</checksum>
<open-checksum type="sha">0aaac0a0d3d5480bd3b0624328d56453b06c28ed</open-checksum>

Those sha1sums should match the sha1sum of primary.sqlite{,.bz2}

sqlite> select * from packages where name like 'spacewalk-backend'
...> ;

Also, I get:

sqlite> select location_href from packages where name = 'spacewalk-backend' ;

If you still can't get the right repomd.xml/primary.sqlite.bz2, there's definitely a cache in the way.


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