----- "Marcus Moeller" <m...@marcus-moeller.de> wrote:

> Dear Tomas.
> > HTTPS-MX monitoring scout e-mail is sent by sendmail.
> > I am wondering, because I've never received monitoring scout startup
> e-mail from HTTPS-MX@<satellite_hostname>. :-)
> >
> > Could you be more concrete? And attach your scout startup e-mail and
> /var/log/rhn/rhn_hostname_rename.log?
> Here is the content of the email:
> Monitoring Scout configuration successful on spacewalk.domain.example

Oh, and you mean that spacewalk.domain.example is wrong?
This value is the perl hostname from Sys::Hostname and shall be equivalent to
uname -n

Could you check what does uname -n return?
That could mean, you do not have the system hostname set correctly.

I am not sure if I can help more without the log file.


Tomas Lestach
RHN Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

> << Sent by /usr/bin/npBootstrap.pl line 116 on host
> spacewalk.domain.example (MAC ...).
>    2 of these messages were filtered since Fri Jun  4 07:25:45 2010
> GMT >>
> It seems the mail is generated by:
> /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/NOCpulse/Gritch.pm
> Maybe the 'wrong' value is still stored in:
> /var/lib/nocpulse/npBootstrap.db
> But I am not sure if it's safe to simply delete this file

I definitely wouldn't delete it.

> Best Regards
> Marcus

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