Kobus Bensch wrote:
% Ok, renamed the tnsnames.ora and re-ran   spacewalk-setup --upgrade
% Stopped and started oracle and spacewalk and getting the folloign in
% the catalina logs:
% 07-Feb-2011 15:56:19
% com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.BasicResourcePool$AcquireTask run
% com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.BasicResourcePool$AcquireTask@2857a293
% -- Acquisition Attempt Failed!!! Clearing pending acquires. While
% trying to acquire a needed new resource, we failed to succeed more
% than the maximum number of allowed acquisition attempts (30).
% 2011-02-07 15:56:19,562 [TP-Processor3] WARN
% org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - SQL Error: 0, SQLState:
% null
% 2011-02-07 15:56:19,562 [TP-Processor3] ERROR
% org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - Connections could not be
% acquired from the underlying database!
% 2011-02-07 15:56:19,562 [TP-Processor3] ERROR
% com.redhat.rhn.frontend.servlets.SessionFilter - Error during
% transaction. Rolling back
% com.redhat.rhn.common.hibernate.HibernateRuntimeException: couldn't
% open session

It still looks like tomcat wasn't able connect to database.
What's your db connection in rhn.conf?

        # egrep 'hibernate|db_name' /etc/rhn/rhn.conf

Are you able connect to database with sqlplus?

        # sqlplus $(spacewalk-cfg-get default_db)

Does any other java based service (e.g rhn-search, taskomatic) work?

        # service rhn-search status
        # grep ERROR /var/log/rhn/search/rhn_search_daemon.log
        # service taskomatic status
        # grep ERROR /var/log/rhn/rhn_taskomatic_daemon.log


Michael Mráka
Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

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