I just built a Spacewalk 1.2 server with Cobbler and am having
some performance issues with Kickstart. Everything moves very fast up to the
point where the "Starting install process. This may take several minutes."
box appears. One of three things will happen:

1) Machines will hang at that screen.


2) Monitor will blank out with a blinking cursor in the top-left corner.


3) The box will drop back to the package installation window and behave as
is customary.

The installation does complete, eventually, however it takes an extreme
amount of time (yesterday I was able to build four machines in about six
hours). In all cases, I can see requests for RPMs in the Apache access logs.
However, it seems like the requests do not come very fast/often and it takes
an exorbitant amount of time to move on to the next -- sometimes 4-5 minutes
for a package less than 1MB in size.

This is contrary to my experience with our other barebones Kickstart server
in the past, which is usually quite fast and enables me to build out
machines in 30 minutes or less.

I've been tearing through the list archives and various Google permutations
looking for help but haven't found much. If someone could provide me with
some points of analysis I would be very appreciative!

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