On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 02:46:22PM +0100, Lukas Zapletal wrote:
> On 02/23/2011 12:07 PM, Sander Grendelman wrote:
>> I'm currently using the sun jre (through alternatives), when I
>> switch the default java to openjdk taskomatic starts segfaulting.
>> Removing the 64-bit paths from /etc/rhn/default/rhn_taskomatic_daemon.conf
>> then fixes taskomatic again. Using the sun jre (through alternatives)
>> also fixes the problem.
> Could you please do
> from the environment you start the deamon in?

Of course, the service is started as root so:

[root@mir ~]# echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH

[root@mir ~]# 

So no explicit LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set.

However: in the jre-trace I sent before a LD_LIBRARY_PATH is defined:

Environment Variables:

I'm guessing this one has been set by the tanuki wrapper.

With kind regards,


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