Hi All-


This was my own stupid fault but I've seen several similar cases where other
people have posted that they are having issues with OSAD not connecting to
their SW server and this resolution I found has yet to come up.  To preface
this, I installed SW 1.3 on a brand new server from scratch.  Everything
worked fine with the clients, I was able to connect to the spacewalk server,
perform yum commands, etc.  However, when I tried to install OSAD, the
service would fail to connect and give me the output below:


Shutting down osad:                                        [  OK  ]

Starting osad: Server did not return a <features /> stanza

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py", line 253, in setup_connection

    c = self._get_jabber_client(js)

  File "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py", line 310, in _get_jabber_client


  File "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py", line 583, in connect

    raise SSLDisabledError



                                                           [  OK  ]



Output of the /var/log/osad log:

2011-03-15 18:58:24 jabber_lib.main: Unable to connect to jabber servers,
sleeping 81 seconds

2011-03-15 18:58:38 jabber_lib.main: Unable to connect to jabber servers,
sleeping 90 seconds

2011-03-15 18:59:57 jabber_lib.main: Unable to connect to jabber servers,
sleeping 82 seconds



Mar 15 14:58:24 swserver jabberd/c2s[16799]: [12] [x.x.x.x, port=42110]

Mar 15 14:58:24 swserver jabberd/c2s[16799]: [12] [x.x.x, x=42110]
disconnect jid=unbound, packets: 0

Mar 15 14:58:38 swserver jabberd/c2s[16799]: [12] [x.x.x.x, port=42113]

Mar 15 14:58:38 swserver jabberd/c2s[16799]: [12] [x.x.x.x, port=42113]
disconnect jid=unbound, packets: 0

Mar 15 14:59:57 swserver jabberd/c2s[16799]: [12] [x.x.x.x, port=42116]

Mar 15 14:59:57 swserver jabberd/c2s[16799]: [12] [x.x.x.x, port=42116]
disconnect jid=unbound, packets: 0



I checked all the usual stuff, made sure c2s, router, s2s, sm were running
properly, checked to make sure osad.conf pointed to the correct SSL cert
etc.  Everything seemed to be working fine but then I noticed the problem.
osad is configured to use many of the settings from up2date.  In
/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date the following lines were listed:


serverURL[comment]=Remote server URL (use FQDN)



When I originally registered the client, I had forgot to enter the FQDN,
which is why it wasn't properly configured in the line above.  Manually
adding the proper FQDN to the line and restarting osad fixed my problem.
Again, everything (at first glance anyway) was working correctly besides
OSAD, so it took a while to even realize that I had an FQDN problem and
figure out what was going on.  Just an FYI in case anyone else makes the
same mistake as it is an easy one to do.  Checking
/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date is definitely something else to add to the list
of things to do when troubleshooting OSAD issues.  




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