Speaking for an operator, and as a long-time responsible person for applying traffic engineering to a global network, I support adoption of this document at the SPRING wg.

Best regards, Martin

Am 16.05.18 um 17:20 schrieb Rob Shakir:

This email initiates a two week call for working group adoption for draft-filsfils-spring-segment-routing-policy. Please indicate your support, or otherwise, for adopting this draft as a working group item by *30th May 2018*. We are particularly interested in hearing from working group members that are not co-authors of this draft.

As part of the discussions of adopting this draft into SPRING with the ADs and chairs of other WGs, there are a number of requests to the authors.

1. Please clarify in the text traffic steering with "SR policy" and its relationship to other traffic engineering functions. It seems to me that this work is generally describing how one selects and steers traffic into policies, rather than path calculation. Additional clarification of whether this is the case (or not), would be welcome to ensure that the relationship with other work is clear. We would ask the authors to consider whether sections 14.1-14.4 are required scope of this document.

2.. Consider what the core content of this document is, and how it can be make as concise and clear as possible. There are some specific suggestions that can be made here, but we would like to see this discussed with the working group.

Additionally, there are currently 17 authors listed on this document. Please trim this to <= 5 front-page authors, utilising a "Contributors" section if required for the others.. An approach to achieving this would be to list ~2 editors as the front-page authors.

In parallel to this adoption call, I will send an IPR call for this document. We will need all 17 authors to confirm their IPR position on this document.

Bruno & Rob.

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