
That is a sufficiently-large clear space above the top  of storage
to raise eyebrows.  Some fire tests indicate more sprinkler go off
in such a situation--with a horizontal roof.  Add to  that a sloped roof,
and yes, there could be some real problems with extinguishing
such a fire, although there may not be a problem with the fire
ventilating itself through the roof.

If the owner-of-the-commodities wants the surest means of
preventing fire from destroying her/his property, they should have
a very good fire prevention training program at their facility; and
happy workers.  After engaging these prevention strategies, if the
owner wants to pay for a suppression strategy,  I would recommend
for 9 meter storage under a ceiling sloped greater than 2 up-for-2-horizontal,

the appropriate in-rack sprinklers with a horizontal-barrier
above-the top-row-of-storage with 1 or 2 sprinkler lines (depending
upon the hazard ranking  of the commodity...NFPA 13 provides insights on
under this horizontal barrier.

As a third strategy, the owners could form a cooperative
and all agree to take the risk decision of *not* spending any money on
suppression, and put this money into their own fire insurance fund.  Of
now you have the owners creating a new market for themselves:
self-insurance against fire.  And a new job for someone whose responsibility
is to make sure the money doesn't walk away.

I would strongly recommend 40-mm or smaller user-operated hose reels.  If
reliable paying jobs are hard to find (and they are), then employees of
these warehouse just might find motivation enough within themselves to
and save their income by grabbing a hose and extinguishing the fire

ala pues,

scot deal
excelsior fire
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