On May 30, 2007, at 4:50 PM, Eric Ongerth wrote:

> So far I've been having a great time with generative query-building
> methods... build a query, filter it, order it, etc...
> Is there a way to, uh, de-generate a query?  E.g.,
> q0 = session.query(someclass)
> q1 = q.filter(col == value)
> q2 = q.filter(othercol == othervalue)
> # all of the above works great, of course
> # but how about if we could:
> q3 = q.remove_filter(othercol == othervalue)
> q4 = q.remove_filter(col == value)

oh, come on :)  just use q0.

> As it stands now, this is not actually difficult to do: I just store a
> set of filters that have been added so far, and when the user clears
> one of the search field boxes, the query is rebuilt from scratch with
> all of the other stored filters, just without the one corresponding to
> the newly unrestricted column.

thats the way it should be done.  dont try to make SA, which is  
decidedly a library, the framework for your application.  query() is  
roughly a command object built via the builder pattern, but its not a  
mutable datastructure.  Python gives you [] for that.  remove_filter 
() is just one little element which might solve your problem at the  
moment, but then tomorrow youre going to need 4 other mutation/ 
inspection operations on the list of filters and then the whole  
"piggyback onto SA" idea goes out the window again.

> It would be nicer/cleaner/straightforward-er if I didn't have to
> rebuild the query at that point; if I could just de-filter or de-
> select by parts.  Am I barking up an odd tree here?  I understand that
> selects/filters/etc. can't be assumed to be commutative; i.e. that you
> can't necessarily expect query.filter(one).filter(two).filter(three)
> == query.filter(two).filter(one).filter(three).

ah well, each filter adds the given criterion via AND so in the case  
of just using filter(), i think
it is commutative.  but using joins and various filter_bys(), not as  
much since they build off existing state within the query.

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