On Jun 29, 2007, at 10:38 AM, Huy Do wrote:

> Hi,
> How do I configure my mapper/table to leave the cascade up to my
> database. i.e I don't want SA to auto update or delete my child  
> objects
> when I delete or update my parent object.

you are probably looking for "passive_deletes=True" on your  
relations.   you can also prevent SQLAlchemy from marking child items  
as deleted by just not using "delete" cascade, but you cannot prevent  
it from updating the foreign key of child items with NULL..also if a  
delete cascade takes place, the session's view of objects will be  
incorrect if one of the deleted child items is still present in the  
session...so best to leave your cascade matching that of the database.

the passive_deletes flag will just prevent it from defensively  
loading in child items upon delete which is probably what youre  
looking for.

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