at its most simplistic level, IN is just a bunch of "X=Y" joined  
together via OR.  Can that approach work here ?  (seems like it would  
be the best way considering its polymorphic scalar elements being  
compared).  At a higher level, seems like you'd want to group elements  
of common types together, and produce a list of the form (type1 IN  
(list of type 1s) OR type2 IN (list of type 2s) ....).

On May 27, 2008, at 2:25 PM, Martin Pengelly-Phillips wrote:

> Hi there,
> Just came back to some code after a bit of a break and can't seem to  
> get my head around how to correctly use the in_ method with a custom  
> comparator and also the orm subquery functionality.
> See attached file for an outline of my approach.
> You will see that I am stuck on how to correctly form the last query:
> Roughly: select all entities with property (key='association' and  
> value IN (subquery))
> It looks like I need to define an in_() method on my custom  
> comparator and then possibly use the orm subquery() method for the  
> er...subquery.
> It all feels like it should be straight forward, but the gears just  
> aren't turning at the moment so any pointers would be greatly  
> appreciated.
> ta,
> Martin
> >
> import sys
> from datetime import datetime
> from sqlalchemy import *
> from sqlalchemy.orm import *
> from sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces import *
> # Database
> engine = create_engine('sqlite:///')
> metadata = MetaData()
> Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autoflush=True,  
> transactional=False, bind=engine))
> mapper = Session.mapper
> # Class: Entity
> #----------------------------------------------
> class Entity(object):
>    def __init__(self, properties=None):
> = []
>        if properties is not None:
> # Table: entities
> #----------------------------------------------
> entityTable = Table('entities', metadata,
>                    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>                    Column('_entityType', String(30), nullable=False),
>                 )
> # Table: entitiesPolymorphicProperties
> #----------------------------------------------
> entityPolymorphicPropertyTable =  
> Table('entitiesPolymorphicProperties', metadata,
>                        Column('entity_id', Integer,  
> ForeignKey('')),
>                        Column('polymorphicProperty_id', Integer,  
> ForeignKey('')),
>                      )
> # Class: PolymorphicProperty
> #----------------------------------------------
> class PolymorphicProperty(object):
>    typeMap = {
>               str:  ('text','text'),
>               int: ('integer','integer'),
>               float: ('float','float'),
>               datetime: ('datetime','datetime'),
>               Entity: ('entity','entity'),
>               type(None): (None, None)
>              }
>    def __init__(self, key=None, value=None):
>        self.key = key
>        self.value = value
>    def _getValue(self):
>        for discriminator, field in self.typeMap.values():
>            if self.type == discriminator:
>                return getattr(self, field)
>        return None
>    def _setValue(self, value):
>        # Check type of value can be handled
>        pyType = type(value)
>        if pyType not in self.typeMap:
>            if isinstance(value, Entity):
>                pyType = Entity
>            else:
>                raise TypeError(pyType)
>        # Set real values and current type of property
>        # Resets all real values no longer matching type to None
>        for fieldType in self.typeMap:
>            discriminator, field = self.typeMap[fieldType]
>            fieldValue = None
>            if pyType == fieldType:
>                self.type = discriminator
>                fieldValue = value
>            if field is not None:
>                setattr(self, field, fieldValue)
>    def _delValue(self, value):
>        self._set_value(None)
>    value = property(_getValue, _setValue, _delValue, doc='''Logical  
> value of this property''')
>    # Class: Comparator
>    #----------------------------------------------
>    class Comparator(PropComparator):
>        castableMap = {
>                   int: (Integer, Text, Float),
>                   str: (Text,),
>                   float: (Float, Text),
>                   datetime: (DateTime, Text),
>                   type(None): (),
>                  }
>        castTypeMap = {
>                   int: Integer,
>                   str: Text,
>                   float: Float,
>                   datetime: DateTime,
>                   }
>        # Function: _case
>        #     Generate CASE (switch) statement in SQL to pick  
> appropriate field
>        #----------------------------------------------
>        def _case(self, castType=Text):
>            cls = self.prop.parent.class_
>            whens = []
>            for fieldType in cls.typeMap:
>                if fieldType in self.castableMap:
>                    if castType in self.castableMap[fieldType]:
>                        prop = cls.typeMap[fieldType]
>                        if prop[1] is not None:
>                            whens.append(( text("'%s'" % prop[0]),  
> cast(getattr(cls, prop[1]), castType) ))
>            return case(whens, cls.type, null())
>        # Function: __eq__
>        #     Equality comparison operator.
>        #----------------------------------------------
>        def __eq__(self, other):
>            if isinstance(other, Entity):
>                return self.prop.parent.class_.entity == other
>            return self._case() == cast(other, Text)
>        # Function: __ne__
>        #     In-equality comparison operator.
>        #----------------------------------------------
>        def __ne__(self, other):
>            if isinstance(other, Entity):
>                return self.prop.parent.class_.entity != other
>            return self._case() != cast(other, Text)
> # Table: polymorphicProperties
> #----------------------------------------------
> polymorphicPropertyTable = Table('polymorphicProperties', metadata,
>                    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>                    Column('key', String(20), nullable=False,  
> default='keyword'),
>                    Column('type', String(15), default=None),
>                    Column('text', Text, default=None),
>                    Column('integer', Integer, default=None),
>                    Column('float', Float, default=None),
>                    Column('datetime', DateTime, default=None),
>                    Column('entity_id', Integer,  
> ForeignKey('')),
>                )
> # Mapping: PolymorphicProperty
> #----------------------------------------------
> mapper(PolymorphicProperty,
>       polymorphicPropertyTable,
>       properties={
>               'value':  
> comparable_property(PolymorphicProperty.Comparator,  
> PolymorphicProperty.value),
>               'entity': relation(Entity),
>          }
>       )
> # Mapping: Entity
> #----------------------------------------------
> mapper(Entity, entityTable,  
> polymorphic_on=entityTable.c._entityType,  
> polymorphic_identity='Entity',
>       properties={
>               'properties': relation(PolymorphicProperty,  
> secondary=entityPolymorphicPropertyTable, backref='entities'),
>           }
>       )
> metadata.create_all(engine)
> # Main
> #----------------------------------------------
> def main():
>    session = Session()
>    session.begin()
>    prop1 = PolymorphicProperty(key='username', value='bob')
>    entity1 = Entity(properties=[prop1])
>    prop2 = PolymorphicProperty(key='resolution', value=5)
>    prop3 = PolymorphicProperty(key='association', value=entity1)
>    entity2 = Entity(properties=[prop2, prop3])
>    session.commit()
>    # Entities with property (key=username, value='bob')
>    print  
> session.query(Entity).filter('username',  
> value='bob')).all()
>    # Entities with property (key=resolution, value=5)
>    print  
> session.query(Entity).filter('resolution',  
> value=5)).all()
>    # Entities with property (key=association, value=entity1)
>    print  
> session 
> .query(Entity).filter('association',  
> value=entity1)).all()
>    # Entities with property (key=association, value IN  
> [subquery(Entity).filter('username',  
> value='bob'))])
>    entities =  
> session 
> .query 
> (Entity 
> ).filter('asset',
> PolymorphicProperty 
> .value 
> .in_ 
> (session.query(Entity).filter('username',  
> value='bob'))))).all()
>    Session.remove()
>    return 0
> # Driver
> #----------------------------------------------
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>    sys.exit(main())

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