
I'm writing my own framework based on WSGI (and somehow on Nginx mod_wsgi):

I want to implement the "best" possible integration with SQLAlchemy.

SQLAlchemy already implements all I need, the only problem is that for
proper functioning of some features (like emulated nested transaction),
it needs to use a threadlocal storage.

This is bad, since in Nginx we can have multiple concurrent connections
per thread (using psycopg2 extension for asynchronous queries).

I'm thinking to add a function:

# XXX add support for additional parameters like close_with_result?
def contextual_connect(environ, engine):
    connection = environ.get('wsgix.dbapi.contextual_connection')
    if connection is None:
       connection = engine.connect()
       environ['wsgix.dbapi.contextual_connection'] = connection

    return connection

Using this function I can do:

connection = contextual_connect(environ, engine)
engine.transaction(callable, connection, *args, **kwargs)

and so on, perhaps implementing some convenient wrappers.

Moreover I plan to write a "pseudo" middleware that will take care of
proper cleanup of the contextual connection at the end of the request.

My question is: will this suffice or should I implement something more
integrated with SQLAlchemy?

Another problem is with the ORM, but I'm still studing it since a lot
has changed since last time I have used it.

Thanks   Manlio Perillo

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