> From: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com [mailto:sqlalch...@googlegroups.com]
> On Behalf Of Michael Bayer
> On Jan 4, 2009, at 7:04 PM, Arn Vollebregt wrote:
> > It is my understanding that when one adds an object instance to a
> > session, SQLAlchemy checks for the same object based on it's primary
> > key.
> I wouldn't say that's accurate - it only looks at the existing
> "identity" assigned to the given instance, based on what already-
> loaded database state is present.  If you put two brand new Foo()
> objects in the session both with "id=1", SQLA wouldn't complain at
> all.   It lets the database do its job of detecting that constraint,
> and the error is an IntegrityError raised by the DBAPI within the
> flush.

But isn't the identity comprised of the object class and the primary key?
Would that not make the Foo instances the same in the eyes of SQLAlchemy? Or
am I perhaps confusing the id variable with the real primary key which is
stored somewhere else?

> > And if so, is there a way to change this behavior, without querying
> > the database?
> SQLA core never chooses to reinvent functionality that's the database
> already provides, so you'd have to build something on your end which
> hashes all instances in a dictionary based on the desired unique
> attributes.    I've hopefully made this easy via the attached example
> (SQLA 0.5, py2.5).  If it works for you we should add it to the wiki's
> UsageRecipes section.

Oeh yes, that works quite good! You whipped that out quite fast :) Clean
code as well!
Is this declarative approach the only option, or is that just what you
happen to prefer? I am trying to keep my database/SQLAlchemy 'layer'
separated from my object declarations in my code, hence the question.

Right, next stop for me is writing an add_or_merge() function which tries to
add an object to the session, and returns an existing object when a
UniqueConstraintException is raised. Sounds like a challenge when relations
and association_proxy's come into play :)

Thx for the help thus far!


Arn Vollebregt

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