Michael Bayer wrote:
>> Which docs do I need to understand what all this means and where do I
>> find them?
> that would be here:  
> http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/05/mappers.html?highlight=large%20collections#working-with-large-collections

Cool, so my model now looks like:

Base = declarative_base(engine=engine)

class Unit(Base):

     __tablename__ = 'units'

     id = Column(Integer,primary_key=True)
     name = Column(String)

class Record(Base):

     __tablename__ = 'records'

     timestamp = Column(DateTime,primary_key=True)
     unit_id = Column(Integer,ForeignKey('units.id'),primary_key=True)
     unit = relation('Unit',
     is_on = Column(Boolean)
     mode = Column(Integer)
     error = Column(Integer)
     set = Column(Integer)
     measured = Column(Integer)

...and I can get the latest record for a unit with:

unit = session.query(Unit).filter(Unit.id==3).first()

...which is excellent :-)

Now, how would I get all the records for a particular timeframe for a 
unit, ordered oldest to newest? (eg: all the records for today, or all 
the records for 08:00-12:00 today)

This needs to be as efficient as possible as each unit generates one 
record per minute, so once this has been up for a year, we're talking 
about 260,000-ish records, of which I only want, say 1,440 for the whole 
day or 240 for 08:00-12:00.



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