Alex Ezell wrote:
> We often do diagnostics on our PostgreSQL systems by looking at
> currently running queries with some sql like this:
> select procpid, to_char((now() - query_start), 'HH24:MI:SS.MS') as
> query_time, client_addr as client_host, current_query
> from pg_stat_activity
> where current_query not ilike '<idle>'
> order by query_time desc;
> However, since we've moved to sqlalchemy, we've found that we can no
> longer see the full text of the current_query because of all the
> aliasing that sqlalchemy does in its select statements. Has anyone had
> this issue or know of any workarounds whether they be sqlalchemy-based
> or in postgres?
> Sorry if this is completely off-topic. I'm just at a loss for where to
> turn.

can you be more specific how using aliases in SELECT statements prevents
them from being seen ?  do you mean that they're more difficult to read ? 
or just they're too long ?

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