Marcin Krol wrote:
>> if you're looking for state between requests you can use an HTTP session
>> for that 
> *SMACK* forehead... Right.. Mental block..
>> and "lightweight" objects are great for those since they are
>> easily serializable and use minimal space.
>> Im a little confused, did you originally intend to persist state in the
>> database between requests ?   
> Well sort of - I wanted to store the 'throwaway' object in db, I didn't 
> think of using http session for that purpose.
>> you said you didn't want to call "commit" ?
> I don't want to call commit on original object until user presses Save.

It sounds like your user is doing the editing in a JS-powered app in the 
browser.  Would it work for you to leave the "under edit" version in the 
browser until the user presses Save (in session cookies and/or DOM 
objects)?  For one thing, this will reduce the HTTP traffic, since 
there's only the one load of the original data, and one save request.

Don Dwiggins
Advanced Publishing Technology

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