--- Keith Herold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all;
> I know that nested queries in the FROM and WHERE clauses are compiled
> and run just once.  Is that true for the nested queries in the SELECT
> clause as well?
> For example:
> SELECT firstname AS First,
>               (SELECT name as Last
>                FROM tbl_of_last_names 
>                WHERE name = 'Roger')
> FROM tbl_of_first_names,
>            tbl_of_last_names,
>            tbl_of_unique_people
> WHERE (tbl_of_first_names.PersonID = tbl_of_unique_people.ID)
>              AND (tbl_of_last_names.PersonID = tbl_of_unique_people.ID)
> ;
> Is the SELECT name as Last compiled only once, or once for every row
> found in the outer query?
> --Keith
> I am running 2.8.15 on WinXP/2000.

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