Hi Hitesh,

Attached all the VB6 code to do with this. Ignore all the Debug stuff and
also all the RaiseEvent lines. Note that this uses the free VB SQLite
wrapper from Olaf Schmidt and if you don't use that then that is very much
recommended. Let me know if you want that and I will explain.

Also note that my code does something slightly different then what you want
to do, but still, it might be useful.


On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 2:12 PM, hiteshambaliya

> Ya I am interested to know more.
> My mail ID hitesh.ambal...@gmail.com
> Thank you so much
> --
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Public Function SetSequentialGroups(strDB As String, _
                                    strTable As String, _
                                    strGroupField As String, _
                                    strIDField As String, _
                                    strCompareField1 As String, _
                                    Optional strCompareField2 As String, _
                                    Optional strCompareField3 As String, _
                                    Optional lFirstGroupNumber As Long, _
                                    Optional bLog As Boolean, _
                                    Optional bDebug As Boolean) As Long

        Dim i As Long
        Dim c As Long
        Dim cRs As cRecordset
        Dim cCmd As cCommand
        Dim lGroupIdx As Long
        Dim bDoGroupSwitch As Boolean
        Dim lCompareFields As Long
        Dim V1
        Dim V2
        Dim V3  'compare-values as variant
        Dim lFieldCount As Long
        Dim lCompareFieldNumber1 As Long  'all these 4 0-based for convenience
        Dim lCompareFieldNumber2 As Long
        Dim lCompareFieldNumber3 As Long
        Dim lIDFieldNumber As Long

10      On Error GoTo ERROROUT

20      SetSQLiteConn strDB, , , False

30      If SQLiteTableExists(strTable, strDB, False, True) = False Then
40        SetSequentialGroups = -1
50        Exit Function
60      End If

70      If FieldNumberInTable(strDB, strTable, strGroupField, , False) < 1 Then
80        SetSequentialGroups = -1
90        Exit Function
100     End If

110     If FieldNumberInTable(strDB, strTable, strIDField, , False) < 1 Then
120       SetSequentialGroups = -1
130       Exit Function
140     End If

150     If FieldNumberInTable(strDB, strTable, strCompareField1, , False) < 1 
160       SetSequentialGroups = -1
170       Exit Function
180     End If

190     lGroupIdx = lFirstGroupNumber  'initilize the first lGroupIdx

200     Set cRs = Cnn.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM " & strTable & _
                                    " ORDER BY " & strIDField & " ASC")

210     lFieldCount = cRs.Fields.Count

220     If Len(strCompareField2) = 0 Then
230       lCompareFields = 1
240     Else
250       If Len(strCompareField3) > 0 Then
260         lCompareFields = 3
270       Else
280         lCompareFields = 2
290       End If
300     End If

        'IndexInFieldList is zero based
310     lIDFieldNumber = cRs.Fields(strIDField).IndexInFieldList
320     lCompareFieldNumber1 = cRs.Fields(strCompareField1).IndexInFieldList

330     If lCompareFields > 1 Then
340       lCompareFieldNumber2 = cRs.Fields(strCompareField2).IndexInFieldList
350     End If

360     If lCompareFields > 2 Then
370       lCompareFieldNumber3 = cRs.Fields(strCompareField3).IndexInFieldList
380     End If

390     If bDebug Then
400       MsgBoxDLL "lFieldCount" & vbTab & lFieldCount & vbCrLf & _
                    "lIDFieldNumber" & vbTab & lIDFieldNumber & vbCrLf & _
                    "lCompareFieldNumber1" & vbTab & lCompareFieldNumber1 & 
vbCrLf & _
                    "lCompareFieldNumber2" & vbTab & lCompareFieldNumber2 & 
vbCrLf & _
                    "lCompareFieldNumber3" & vbTab & lCompareFieldNumber3 & 
vbCrLf & _
                    "lCompareFields" & vbTab & lCompareFields, _
                    "Parameters of SetSequentialGroups", _
                    lFormColour:=lColourForm, bLineUpTabs:=True
410     End If

420     Set cCmd = Cnn.CreateCommand("UPDATE " & strTable & _
                                     " SET " & strGroupField & " = ? WHERE " & _
                                     strIDField & " = ?")

430     If bLog Then
440       ShowStatement "Procedure SetSequentialGroups", , , 2, True, , strDB
450     End If

460     BeginTransaction strDB, False

470     Select Case lCompareFields

          Case 1

            'now we work with valuematrix for more speed
480         V1 = cRs.ValueMatrix(0, lCompareFieldNumber1)

490         For i = 0 To cRs.RecordCount - 1
              'we split up the comparisons, for a little bit more speed (VB has 
no "early exit" in combined If-conditions)
500           If cRs.ValueMatrix(i, lCompareFieldNumber1) <> V1 Then
510             bDoGroupSwitch = True
520           Else
530             bDoGroupSwitch = False
540           End If

550           If bDoGroupSwitch Then  'set the next set of compare-values
560             V1 = cRs.ValueMatrix(i, lCompareFieldNumber1)
570             lGroupIdx = lGroupIdx + 1
580           End If

590           cCmd.SetInt32 1, lGroupIdx
600           cCmd.SetInt32 2, cRs.ValueMatrix(i, lIDFieldNumber)  'the current 
ID-Field for the Where-Cond.
610           cCmd.Execute
620         Next i

630       Case 2
640         V1 = cRs.ValueMatrix(0, lCompareFieldNumber1)
650         V2 = cRs.ValueMatrix(0, lCompareFieldNumber2)

660         If bDebug Then
670           MsgBoxDLL "V1" & vbTab & V1 & vbCrLf & _
                        "V1" & vbTab & V1, _
                        "first compare values of SetSequentialGroups", _
                        lFormColour:=lColourForm, bLineUpTabs:=True
680         End If

690         For i = 0 To cRs.RecordCount - 1

              'we split up the comparisons, for a little bit more speed (VB has 
no "early exit" in combined If-conditions)
700           If cRs.ValueMatrix(i, lCompareFieldNumber1) <> V1 Then
710             bDoGroupSwitch = True
720           ElseIf cRs.ValueMatrix(i, lCompareFieldNumber2) <> V2 Then
730             bDoGroupSwitch = True
740           Else  'all Values are equal to the last ones
750             bDoGroupSwitch = False
760           End If

770           If bDoGroupSwitch Then  'set the next set of compare-values
780             V1 = cRs.ValueMatrix(i, lCompareFieldNumber1)
790             V2 = cRs.ValueMatrix(i, lCompareFieldNumber2)
800             lGroupIdx = lGroupIdx + 1
810           End If

820           cCmd.SetInt32 1, lGroupIdx
830           cCmd.SetInt32 2, cRs.ValueMatrix(i, lIDFieldNumber)  'the current 
ID-Field for the Where-Cond.
840           cCmd.Execute
850         Next i

860       Case 3
870         V1 = cRs.ValueMatrix(0, lCompareFieldNumber1)
880         V2 = cRs.ValueMatrix(0, lCompareFieldNumber2)
890         V3 = cRs.ValueMatrix(0, lCompareFieldNumber3)

900         For i = 0 To cRs.RecordCount - 1
              'we split up the comparisons, for a little bit more speed (VB has 
no "early exit" in combined If-conditions)
910           If cRs.ValueMatrix(i, lCompareFieldNumber1) <> V1 Then
920             bDoGroupSwitch = True
930           ElseIf cRs.ValueMatrix(i, lCompareFieldNumber2) <> V2 Then
940             bDoGroupSwitch = True
950           ElseIf cRs.ValueMatrix(i, lCompareFieldNumber3) <> V3 Then
960             bDoGroupSwitch = True
970           Else  'all Values are equal to the last ones
980             bDoGroupSwitch = False
990           End If

1000          If bDoGroupSwitch Then  'set the next set of compare-values
1010            V1 = cRs.ValueMatrix(i, lCompareFieldNumber1)
1020            V2 = cRs.ValueMatrix(i, lCompareFieldNumber2)
1030            V3 = cRs.ValueMatrix(i, lCompareFieldNumber3)
1040            lGroupIdx = lGroupIdx + 1
1050          End If

1060          cCmd.SetInt32 1, lGroupIdx
1070          cCmd.SetInt32 2, cRs.ValueMatrix(i, lIDFieldNumber)  'the current 
ID-Field for the Where-Cond.
1080          cCmd.Execute
1090        Next i

1100    End Select

1110    CommitTransaction strDB, False

1120    SetSequentialGroups = lGroupIdx

1130    Exit Function

1140    SetSequentialGroups = -1

1150    RaiseEvent RunErrorLog("SetSequentialGroups", Erl, Err, _
                               "strDB: " & strDB, True)

End Function

Public Function SQLiteTableExists(strTable As String, _
                                  Optional strDB As String, _
                                  Optional bStatement As Boolean, _
                                  Optional bNotExistIfEmptyTable As Boolean, _
                                  Optional bDropIfEmpty As Boolean, _
                                  Optional strDBName As String = "main", _
                                  Optional bDebug As Boolean) As Boolean

        Dim cT As cTable
        Dim cDB As cDataBase

10      If bFileExists(strDB) = False Then
20        Exit Function
30      End If

40      If LCase(strTable) = "sqlite_master" Then
50        SQLiteTableExists = True
60        Exit Function
70      End If

80      If Len(strTable) = 0 Or Len(strDB) = 0 Then
90        Exit Function
100     End If

110     If m_bShowErrors Then
120       On Error GoTo 0
130     Else
140       On Error GoTo ERROROUT
150     End If

160     If SetSQLiteConn(strDB, , "SQLiteTableExists", False) = False Then
170       Exit Function
180     End If

190     If bStatement Then
200       ShowStatement "checking for the table " & strTable, _
                        , , 2, True, True, strDB, , , , "SQLiteTableExists"
210     End If

220     Set cDB = Cnn.DataBases(strDBName)

230     For Each cT In cDB.Tables
240       If bDebug Then
250         MsgBoxDLL cT.Name, "table name", lFormColour:=lColourForm
260       End If
270       If LCase(cT.Name) = LCase(strTable) Or LCase(cT.Name) = 
"sqlite_master" Then
280         If bNotExistIfEmptyTable Then
290           If SQLiteTableIsEmpty(strDB, strTable) Then
300             If bDropIfEmpty Then
                  'note that this can't be the default as node tables can be 
                  'if no records were found, but they are still needed to make 
                  'concatenated big table to be dumped to the main table sheet
310               DropSQLiteTable strDB, strTable, True, False
320             End If
330           Else
340             SQLiteTableExists = True
350             Exit Function
360           End If
370         Else  'If bNotExistIfEmptyTable
380           SQLiteTableExists = True
390           Exit Function
400         End If  'If bNotExistIfEmptyTable
410       End If
420     Next cT

430     Exit Function

440     RaiseEvent RunErrorLog("SQLiteTableExists", Erl, Err, _
                               "strDB: " & strDB & "    strTable: " & strTable, 

End Function

Public Function FieldNumberInTable(strDB As String, _
                                   strTable As String, _
                                   strField As String, _
                                   Optional bCaseInsensitive As Boolean = True, 
                                   Optional bPartial As Boolean = True, _
                                   Optional strDBName As String = "main", _
                                   Optional strButNotCSV As String) As Long

  'if field found will produce field number, 1-base
  'if field not found, but no error will produce 0
  'if error will produce -1
  Dim c As Long
  Dim i As Long
  Dim cDB As cDataBase
  Dim cCo As cColumn
  Dim arrNot As Variant
  Dim bNot As Boolean
  Dim bInNotArray As Boolean

  On Error GoTo ERROROUT

  If Len(strButNotCSV) > 0 Then
    arrNot = Split(strButNotCSV, ",", , vbBinaryCompare)
    bNot = True
  End If

  If SetSQLiteConn(strDB, , "FieldNumberInTable", False) = False Then
    FieldNumberInTable = -1
    Exit Function
  End If

  Set cDB = Cnn.DataBases(strDBName)

  With cDB.Tables(strTable)
    If bNot Then
      If bCaseInsensitive Then
        If bPartial Then

          For Each cCo In .Columns
            c = c + 1

            'case-insensitive and partial compare
            If InStr(1, UCase(cCo.Name), UCase(strField), vbBinaryCompare) > 0 

              bInNotArray = False
              For i = 0 To UBound(arrNot)
                If InStr(1, UCase(cCo.Name), UCase(arrNot(i)), vbBinaryCompare) 
> 0 Then
                  bInNotArray = True
                  Exit For
                End If
              Next i

              If bInNotArray = False Then
                FieldNumberInTable = c
                Exit Function
              End If

            End If
          Next cCo
        Else   'If bPartial
          For Each cCo In .Columns
            c = c + 1

            'case-insensitive and full compare
            If UCase(cCo.Name) = UCase(strField) Then

              bInNotArray = False
              For i = 0 To UBound(arrNot)
                If UCase(cCo.Name) = UCase(arrNot(i)) Then
                  bInNotArray = True
                  Exit For
                End If
              Next i

              If bInNotArray = False Then
                FieldNumberInTable = c
                Exit Function
              End If

            End If
          Next cCo
        End If  'If bPartial
      Else  'If bCaseInsensitive
        If bPartial Then
          For Each cCo In .Columns
            c = c + 1

            'case-sensitive and partial compare
            If InStr(1, cCo.Name, strField, vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then

              bInNotArray = False
              For i = 0 To UBound(arrNot)
                If InStr(1, cCo.Name, arrNot(i), vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
                  bInNotArray = True
                  Exit For
                End If
              Next i

              If bInNotArray = False Then
                FieldNumberInTable = c
                Exit Function
              End If

            End If
          Next cCo
        Else  'If bPartial
          For Each cCo In .Columns
            c = c + 1

            'case-sensitive and full compare
            If cCo.Name = strField Then

              bInNotArray = False
              For i = 0 To UBound(arrNot)
                If cCo.Name = arrNot(i) Then
                  bInNotArray = True
                  Exit For
                End If
              Next i

              If bInNotArray = False Then
                FieldNumberInTable = c
                Exit Function
              End If

            End If
          Next cCo
        End If  'If bPartial
      End If  'If bCaseInsensitive
    Else  'If bNot
      If bCaseInsensitive Then
        If bPartial Then
          For Each cCo In .Columns
            c = c + 1

            'case-insensitive and partial compare
            If InStr(1, UCase(cCo.Name), UCase(strField), vbBinaryCompare) > 0 
              FieldNumberInTable = c
              Exit Function
            End If

          Next cCo
        Else  'If bPartial
          For Each cCo In .Columns
            c = c + 1

            'case-insensitive and full compare
            If UCase(cCo.Name) = UCase(strField) Then
              FieldNumberInTable = c
              Exit Function
            End If

          Next cCo
        End If  'If bPartial
      Else  'If bCaseInsensitive
        If bPartial Then
          For Each cCo In .Columns
            c = c + 1

            'case-sensitive and partial compare
            If InStr(1, cCo.Name, strField, vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
              FieldNumberInTable = c
              Exit Function
            End If

          Next cCo
        Else  'If bPartial
          For Each cCo In .Columns
            c = c + 1

            'case-sensitive and full compare
            If cCo.Name = strField Then
              FieldNumberInTable = c
              Exit Function
            End If

          Next cCo
        End If  'If bPartial
      End If  'If bCaseInsensitive
    End If  'If bNot
  End With

  Exit Function

  FieldNumberInTable = -1

End Function
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