Hi all.

I thought it was about time to do some heavy testing of Squid-3 (3.0-PRE3-20040830), 
but almost immediately I ran into problems..
I'm using FreeBSD 5.1 as a gateway with 2 NICs and has set up the following ipfw rules:

allow tcp from <inside_ip> to any
allow tcp from <outside_ip> to any
fwd <inside_ip>,8093 tcp from <my_net> to any dst-port 80

http_port <inside_ip>:8093 transparent vhost

The same squid config also serves an ordinary proxy service at port 8083, which is 
working perfectly. But when intercepting the web traffic the following shows up in 
TCP_MISS/503 2143 GET http://server.com/ - NONE/- text/html

The client is presented an error page saying "Unable to forward this request at this 

Have I missed something essential?
Thanks in advance.


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