> It is probably a good time to run a "squid -k debug" dump to verify that 
> your Squid is properly identifying the connection as intercepted and 
> resolving the original destination IP.

Ok. One thing I noticed is these three mime_get_header rows that is seen in squid-2.5 
but not in squid-3.0

2004/09/29 12:00:05| mime_get_header: looking for 'Host'
2004/09/29 12:00:05| mime_get_header: checking 'Host: www.squid-cache.org'
2004/09/29 12:00:05| mime_get_header: returning 'www.squid-cache.org'
2004/09/29 12:00:05| parseHttpRequest: Complete request received

Would that mean that squid-3.0 don't see the connection as intercepted on my system?
And if it does, am I out of luck then? ;-)


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